About Me

My photo
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
We've been burned alive, stereotyped, and excommunicated, and that's why this blog is dedicated to the most underrated recessive gene of the century. In this blog, I will be featuring a tickling mixture of historical fact, fiction, and contemporary ideas and ideals concerning my fellow fair-skinned and florid friends. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Planet Redhead and other news...

So, newsflash, it's cold outside.
I mean, so frickin cold that I don't even want to go get myself a boston creme donut. and I LOVE those donuts.

Our second story of the day comes from our wonderful freinds over at planet redhead. Yes, now there is a dating site for all of you redheads who love yourself and want to find love and make redheaded babies and, as I mentioned in the previous blog, start the colonies. See? news travels fast. So seriously..... try it out.... see who you find..... and let me know how it is :) i mean...
19.95 for a lifetime membership? Can't get better than that.... and the good news is.. they probably wont say "sorry, you're not compatible with anyone." like the rest of those ridiculous dating sites... right megan??? ;)

Annnnd the biggest news story in our world this week was obviously the inauguration...... that's why i'm going to be talking about kleenex, because I have a cold, and I hate kleenex that falls apart in my hands. Why make disintigrating kleenex?? I don't care if it has sooooothing lotion in it or aloe or the cure for aids in the box, just make it so it doesn't fall apart before i blow my nose.
Also, whats with the cheesy patterns of cartoon characters and ugly flowers and such all over the boxes? It's like... what? we want people to come in our apartment and go "oh, look!!! what AWESOME tissue boxes they have!!!" .... i'd rather people notice my interior decorating skills, not Dorah the Explorer sitting on my shelf with her magic backpack or whatever the hell it is.

That's all for today folks... tune in soon for more griping and cool links...
and COMMENT!!! I need your support :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Ok, so i've read up thoroughly on the "plight of the redheads," and even though we're probably not going extinct, it is possible that we could get rarer, and you know what that means! Everyone begin your redhead colonies and keep the beauties alive ;)
I'm so excited about the prospect of having a valid reason to start a colony, that I might just start hiring people right away. Contact me if you have red hair and you're beautiful. We can go ban the rest of the cigar bars in Boston that have defiantly decided to stay open and tell people to stop filling their lungs with tar so that they can live long enough to see my colony that takes over the world. Also, because we're from mutated genes, we can convince the government that we're aliens and we'll blow up the universe if they don't surrender to our priestess, which would be me, of course.

In other news, my wonderful loving boyfriend Christian has left for the week to visit family, so now, unemployed and temporarily out of the snuggly warmth of my real life teddy bear, i'll wander around the city finding new coffee shops and watching way too much "what not to wear." .... Until I get fed up with having no food in the apartment and go home to mom and dad.
Who says you can't still live like a college student when you're in your 20s?

Stay warm out there all of you hardy notherners.. .. it's gonna be a coldddd week.

Friday, January 16, 2009

A little deeper inside my head...

Ask Ginger

Welcome to Ask Ginger , the advice column for anything and everything. Need to find the best pair of shoes for your new dress? Need relationship advice? Don't know how to cook broccoli without a microwave? No problem.. if you've got a question, i've got an answer. Submit your question below, and i'll answer it as best as possible. Come on all you lost souls out there... just type it in... it'll be the best decision of your life.

To ask a question, leave it as a comment, and then i'll answer them as soon as I can, posting the best questions and answers on a new blog for everyone to see!

Ginger Living in the big city

Bonjour my adoring fans!
This is my very first blog post. Consummated by the boredom of unemployment and the need to do something that doesn't involve House reruns or cleaning the apartment.
If you live in a big city, if you're in your 20's, and if you're a confused, dramatic, emotional, bitchy, loving, rock-star of a young woman, then maybe this blog will make you feel better about yourself, or maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to relate a little. ;)

I've got a crazy family, insanely high expectations of myself, i'm always worrying, and I love animals, CSI, and shoes........ now let's talk about something we don't all have in common.

I apologize in advance for the snide title of my blog, but in my younger years, I enjoyed being called ginger, instead of carrot top or freckle face. I also like the taste of the spice and the adjective that often describes someone being elegant or witty.

In this blog, you'll read about everything from my experiences with buying handbags, to the best places to eat in the city, to relationship advice and of course the occasional spurt of dark-humored, pessimistic philosophy. What more could you want?

Now get cozy with your big tub of ramen noodles and John Mayer, and enjoy the show.....


A rare ginger spotted in her natural habitat.